snow days & Phase 10

Friday, January 6, 2017

Sometimes things that are intended to be good turn into things that aren’t so good. I think we all can relate, right? Maybe these everyday things that aren’t so good are meant to lead us to a truth that applies to the bigger, more pressing things we are walking through simultaneously.

“For you, God, tested us;
you refined us like silver.
You brought us into prison
And laid burdens on our backs.
You let people ride over our heads;
We went through fire and water,
But you brought us to a place of abundance.”
Psalm 66:8-12

Tonight, through a harmless game of Phase 10 on a “snowy” Alabama night, things came to light in what first felt uncomfortable and unfortunate. A three-hour unfinished game of Phase 10 with a group of close friends led to hurt feelings and disagreement. The details aren’t necessary but only an understanding of the realization of something small turning into something big unexpectedly and without any one person at fault. I think we can all relate being stuck in the middle of an escalating situation and feeling like no one person has the power to fix it, but it is “too small” of a situation to be addressed. Through this late night semi-heated card game, the verse above came to life. We are being refined like silver and walking through what feels like hurt and fire because there is something better on the other side. We have been brought into the prison of disappointment and conflict, burdens of words and relationships have been laid on our backs, but it is not an obstacle for us to jump over by our own strength- it is taking us to the abundance of life that awaits on the outside. People like me (a people pleaser who hates conflict), let people walk over us and it sometimes feels like a drowning sensation in a situation that cannot be changed. I allow things to happen to me to keep the harmony, but sometimes that leaves me in what feels like the fire. The fire that is the fear of conflict and disagreement, the fire that is wanting to sink in situations where truth and real feelings are being spoken, but the fire is refining. No one wants to walk through the fire or feel like they are drowning, so don't think I am writing this off as a fun, exciting season, because I can say from personal experience it is not. We are not being put through the situation we are currently in because we deserve a struggle. We are not in the current situation we are in because God wants to see if we can make it. We are not walking through the friend or family situation we are walking through only to make us stronger- we are walking through our current situation because there is a place of abundance on the other side.

A place of abundance stands on the other side of the Phase 10 game the same way a place of abundance stands on the other side of the relational, financial, or spiritual struggle we are walking through. When the feelings have been stated, the shots have been fired, and the emotions run rampant- the result will lead you to a place of abundance from God alone. Abundance is defined as, “a very large quantity of something." An abundance of joy and an abundance of peace are ready when we walk out of the fire- it has not consumed us and we have not been allowed to burn up in the fire because we are protected and are being refined like silver. God is using the difficult situation you are in to refine you, to make you better and stronger, to build relationships and lead you to new things, and you will not burn in this fire. There is a place of great abundance on the other side and every step you take through the fire, every day you feel the same frustration or disappointment or anger, you are only moving closer to the abundance on the other side that God is preparing for you. Keep holding on, this fire will not burn you, it will not last forever, and there is a good thing if you just keep pushing through it.

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