He held me

Friday, April 17, 2015

Today, I learned that my time on this earth is not over. God's grace and protection kept me safe when I should've been seriously injured. Satan tried to take me today, but God thankfully had a different plan. At 6 this morning, I was on the road headed to work and dodged a deer laying in the road. After swerving one direction and back the other in order to gain control, I completely lost control on the wet road and flipped down a hill of the side of the road about 4 times by the way the ground and the destroyed guardrail looked. Those few seconds I was flipping felt like 10 minutes and I was most worried about how I would land and if I would able to get out or find my phone to call someone since I could no longer easily be seen from the road. As soon as I stopped flipping, and came to a stop with my car upright, I realized that my God was holding onto me from the second I first saw the deer. Even though it took a while to get anyone on the phone because my family was still asleep, I knew that God was right there with me. My heavenly father took the tumble with me and never let go of me, not for a second. After looking for my phone for a few seconds and trying to sit and sort through my thoughts about what had just happened and what to do next, I found my phone sitting right up under my leg, not near the half of my belongings and my window that were in a puddle outside of my car. After some missed calls I got in touch with my family, and then called the police. When on the phone with the police and attempting to get out of the car, I realized that it was probably worse outside than I could tell because only the backseat driver side door would open. All of these details though, are irrelevant. The only thing that matters is that I should've been rushed to the hospital by ambulance with serious injuries; I shouldn't have been able to find my phone because of everything around it that was no longer still in the same place after 4 upside down flips; my driver side airbag should've came out and bruised me up more; and most of all I should've come out of the wreck with a whole lot more than a seatbelt bruise and a few scratches. A lot of things should've happened to me, but because of the protection of my God I lived a miracle today. 

"The Lord will keep you from all harm- he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore." Psalm 121:7-8
Thanks to my wonderful family, my amazing friends (who showed up in the emergency room even after I told them they didn't have to), and my father in heaven- I am still here today, and only will be sore for a few days. I am overwhelmed by the love and protection God showered on me, and although this wasn't my plan for today, I know it happened for a reason and today was not my day to be with my Father. My time on this earth is not over, I have been given a new sense of purpose knowing that there is a reason I am still here and God has something greater for me. Praise the Lord that I serve a God who cares about us and who loves each and every one of us enough to do the impossible. Miracles happen, today and everyday.

Above, see the guardrail Marg demolished and the hill I flipped down

Marg was like a member of the family and will be very missed, but I believe I had her for this moment. She kept me safe and allowed me to take some flips and not be crushed, I would say all the work and hard times on Marg were worth it for this moment. 

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